Charles Fernyhough reviews The White King in the Sunday Telegraph
In the Sunday Telegraph Charles Fernyhough takes a closer look at The White King. "Djata's childhood comes alive through its carefully detailed physicality. Dragomán is superb at the paraphernalia of…
The White King reviewed in The Times by Tom Gatti
Tom Gatti has some very nice things to say about The White King in The Times. When my old English teacher tried to teach me the language back in Transylvania,…
Booktrust Review and Interview
James Smith from Booktrust reviews The White King on the site: "György Dragomán has succeeded in conjuring up not only a realistic voice for his young protagonist but also a…
The Chain of Cruelty – Paul Binding reviews The White King for The Times Literary Supplement
In the current issue (January 17, 2008) of The Times Literary Supplement, Paul Binding reviews The White King. “Between these first and last chapters come sixteen vignettes, seemingly free-standing, and…
Starred Review in the Kirkus Review for The White King
The current issue of the Kirkus Review has some nice things to say about The White King. The book got a starred review, with an intelligent summary of the plot which concludes in: "The novel…
Egy kétnyelvű világ hangulatai – Beszélgetés Dragomán György marosvásárhelyi származású íróval, műfordítóval.
A Krónika című romániai magyar lap 2008 január számában jelent meg Antal Erika interjúja, amit a Marosvásárhelyi könyvvásáron készített velem. Alig 15 évesen hagyta el a szülővárosát, Marosvásárhelyt. Nemrég hazalátogatva…
The White King reviewed in The Mail on Sunday and in the Metro
The Mail on Sunday calls The White King a "coming of age tale with a difference". The review concludes: "Glimpsed as it is imperfectly, through the eyes of a child,…